Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Heng Chang (Szechwan, Cantonese and Thai)

  • Address: No. 10-A, Street 15, F-7/2, Islamabad, Pakistan (MAP)
  • Phone: +92-51-2608865
  • Expertise: Chinese (Szechwan, Cantonese), Thai
  • Credit cards: accepted
  • Delivery: available
  • Smoking: smoking on 1st floor, non-smoking on 2nd floor
  • Open hours: to be confirmed
  • URL: N/A
  • Internet access: none
  • Power outlet: none
  • Liquor: BYOB

Every time at Heng Chang, a dish with the same name tastes differently and is never the same.  Looks like different cooks are playing their own ways in the kitchen. 

The restaurant is located right next to a nice looking river -actually rather a stinking sewage if you look down- , and you will find hungry gold fish at the entrance lobby, painfully wheezing in a shallow fish bowl.  Waiters serve the food with extra care, and extraordinary clumsiness.  While it is unlikely to find the same dish every time we visit, their music never changes from "Careless Whisper" or "Footloose" from the 80s playing repeatedly forever.

Well, despite all these, we have continued to visit this Chinese place.  What for?  Probably for the unforgettable wonton soup we had when we first visited this place.

The wonton soup was an amazing experience for our palate.  The wonton skin was extra silky smooth with a crunchy shrimp core.  Tasty clear broth completed the concerto of  the velvet skin and the crunchy diced shrimp.  For our stomach routinely bombarded with the Pakistani cuisine's strong ghee and masala, this was really a luxurious comfort.  We finished a large claypotful of wonton soup first as it was, then for the second cup with  a lot of crushed white pepper, and finally with Chinese red chili paste.

Since then, knowing that we may not encounter the same taste, we continue to visit the place over and over, as if we were on a mission to reconnect with our first love.

In fact, although we may not encounter our first love, we have made affairs with various other attractive dishes .  And they were pretty good.  Last time, it was the casserole dish with eggplant, red chili and minced meet in soy-flavored sauce.  The cubed eggplant was browned until it began to have its pleasantly creamy texture, while becoming partly crispy where it touched the oven-heated casserole.  With the eggplant that has soaked up the exquisite sauce as much as possible, it's tough to beat the combination of this sauteed eggplant, meat, and chili over rice.

In Pakistan, one is supposed to cook rice in a way so that each rice grain does not stick together.  Hence the rice dishes here are pretty dry, and that is the way they should be.  Same is true for Chinese fried rice found in Islamabad.  They are more like the "pilaf" ("pulau" in Urdu) than the fried rice found in east Asia where rice is cooked with more moisture.  It's colorful with carrots, corn, green pepper and eggs, and its good.  It goes so well with the dense salty-sweet sauces and meat.

But there's one thing we need to say about Heng Chang's fried rice.  It is about the portion.  It's not huge, it's gimongous.  At the first sight, we thought its was for an elephant.  We have tried to order a "half-size", but no waiter has understood our intention so far.  Our hope is that the management would eventually notice our repeated request on the comment card (I think many people feel the same way) and introduce a little more flexibility in their customer service.

Since after that first date, we have not had the wonton soup we loved.  It might be because we have romanticized our first love a little too much, but we cannot help continuing our nostalgic search.  Treasure every encounter, for it may never recur.  With this spirit, we keep visiting Heng Chang.

February 7, 2011 (K)






あの日食べたワンタンスープ。ワンタンの皮は金魚のヒレのように薄く繊細で、 ツルリと口の中に入ってきたかと思うと、今度はプリプリとした歯ごたえのエビ餡が姿を表す。ツルッ、コリッ、という両方の食感を思う口の中で存分楽しんだあと、おもむろにそのクリアなスープと共に喉に流し込む。







Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mocca Coffee

  • Address: Shop 1, Kohsar Market, F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan (MAP)
  • Phone: +92-51-282-3723
  • Expertise: Brunch, burgers, panini, tapas, variety of coffee drinks
  • Credit cards: accepted
  • Smoking: Non (smoking room available)
  • Store hours (Mon-Thu: 10-23, Fri: 10-24, Sat: 11-24, Sun: 11-23)
  • URL: www.mocca.pk
  • Internet access: Free broadband WiFi
  • Power outlet: Available from 3 talbes
  • Liquor: none

Mocca Coffee is probably the most comfortable, chic, and upbeat cafe in all of Pakistan!  Once you set your foot in this warmly-lit, wifi-enabled cafe in Kohsar market, you will forget the fact that you are in Islamabad.  You can leave all the hassle of going through security and getting stopped and personally scanned every time at the entrance of Serena Hotel (or at least that’s what happens to me), or being constantly worried about getting a stomach ache from the ice cubes in the drinks or the lettuce in the sandwich.

This cafe offers a huge variety of of beverage menu, including “real” coffee and espresso drinks such as latte, cappuccino and mocha.  Their smoothie selection is superb; our favorite is the tropical ice smoothie. The only caveat is that the portion of the smoothie is very small, for someone who has lived in North America.  Do not expect a 24oz (700cc) gigantic smoothie like the one you get at the Tropical Smooties Cafe.  Oh, and the coffee comes in a cute little sleeve to keep it warm, a nice little touch that reminds you that you are indeed in Asia.    

As noted, this place offers free wifi with quite reasonable speed.  Of course you cannot expect it to be up and running every time you are here; in fact we experienced a few ‘outages’ during the last couple of weeks.  But it’s OK.  The key to surviving in Islamabad, or any place for that matter, is accepting ‘what is’.  Islamabad is heaven, XXX (another border city in Pakistan) is hell, says a friend working for an aid agency doing flood relief work in a remote area.  This cafe symbolizes the calmness and seemingly ‘peaceful’ atmosphere of Islamabad.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention food.  Our favorite is the burger.  Very juicy and slightly spicy, definitely some Pakistani touch.  Their brunch is an amazing deal.  You'll get carbo-overloaded with a huge muffin, croissant, slices of bread, and a crepe-like Sweedish pancake.  You will also get a yogurt with a little granola, fruit salad, small quiche, and a few other small bites like cheese and meat along with a choice of a smoothie or coffee.  Amazing.  Definitely need a box to take a few items home for an afternoon snack.  Their brownies are out of this world, and I mean it.  Their panini sandwiches are also very good.  We tried their Penne, too.  We prefer a more saucier, flavorful pasta with more fresh ingredients.  But hey, we are not complaining.

Way to go, Mocca Coffee!  We shall be back.
November 30, 2010 (M)



そしてここはなんといっても食べ物が美味しい。ここで食べた代表格はハンバーガーだが、ひょっとするとアメリカのバーガーよりもイケている。例えばFlamegrilled Gourmet Burger (595ルピー)。フレンチフライも超上出来。さらに特筆すべきメニューとして、左の写真のMocca Brunch(895ルピー)、Detox Brunch(675ルピー)、各種panini(450ルピー〜525ルピー)、tapas(Taster Platter 895ルピー)などがある。ここでなんども食べているが、まったくお腹をこわしたことはないし、いつもその味には感心させられる。パキスタンでもやればできるんじゃない(笑)。ああそうだ。brownie(ブラウニー、165ルピー)も絶品。

それから、ドリンクメニューも極めて充実である。まともな味のするコーヒー(小195ルピー、大245ルピー)、ラテ(小225ルピー、大275ルピー)やカプチーノなどのコーヒー・ベースの飲み物が約30種、冷たい系の超うまいスムージーが約10種(特にTropical Ice Smoothie 275ルピーは特筆もの)、Madura Tea、Mighty Leafなどの紅茶もある。概ね300ルピーくらいのものが多く、日本やアメリカから来ると大したことない値段のように思えるが、こちらの運転手の時給が35ルピー程度であることを考えるといかに外国人向けなのかが実感される。実際ここに集うのは、大使館、商社、国際機関・NGO関係者が圧倒的に多い


